You Need To Check This Blog Out

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Write it down! Simplifying our lives part 2

One thing that I have started doing that is making my life much less chaotic is writing down what I need to do the next day the night before. I make my list, then I prioritize it with numbers...At the end of the day, if I have anything left on my list..I put it at the top of the list for the next day. I have JUST started doing this but it is working wonders for me and it is keeping me on track.

You assignment today is to simply write down what you need to do on Friday or this weekend if you wish..Post here that you have done this and then be sure to follow up and tell me how this is working for you.

Did you work on your clutter today?

On March first three winners will be chosen to a journal or their choice of one of the recommended books in this series. All you need to do to be entered is to post your comment, thoughts or your way of simplifying your life here.

Recommended Reading :

1. Margin by Richard Swenson
2. Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern
3. Eliminate Chaos by Larua Leist
4. Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley
5. Body Clutter by Marla Cilley


  1. Hi Ladies: This series is SO important to me and I feel some immediacy (is THAT a word???)to do it with you.

    Until my students' piano recital is over on March 1, everything else has to be "put on a shelf". I guess that's one way of clearing clutter --haaa. yeah.

    I'll be checking in each day.....and taking notes and will continue after the recital.

    I'm irritated that I can't do it along with all of YOU, but---this is my business/livelihood and...these kids mean alot to me, so.....

    Love you all, my new friends-Beth

  2. Oh yes, I worked on my clutter --- it's coming along. :)

    I am a list keeper --- and have been for a long time. It used to be that I used pencil and paper for my lists, but I've recently started keeping my lists on my cell phone (notepad) and it's very convenient. Generally I make a list every night before I go to bed.

