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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wake Up Call!

Today the alarm went off and I quickly turned it off and snuggled back in bed. This is something I almost NEVER do but I had finally reach my "comfort zone" know the place where the mattress and your body actually seem to be one..where nothing hurts and you are snuggled in and warm..not too warm, not too cold..just right...The phone rang an hour later and it was my husband calling from out of town. I made coffee, we prayed together and my day began. Praise God for that wake up call..

Life is often like this for me..I get into my comfort zone and would just cruise along if God didn't bring something about to issue a Wake Up Call from above. I am learning to be grateful for those helps me remember that God never leaves me..that He is not content to let me stay where I am and not grow...that He must wake me up before He can use me..

When was your last wake up call?? How did you respond?

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