You Need To Check This Blog Out

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Giveaways and a GREAT blog find for saving money.

Here is the giveaway that will go to Alicia this week. It is perfect for those of us dedicated to keeping records of what we spend this month. Our other winner this week is Beth and she will be receiving Turning Towards Joy by David Jeremiah.
Alicia..Please send me your address at Beth, I have yours.

Here is a GREAT blog I have found that has so many ways to save money your head will spin.
It is also listed at the right side of my blog in the blogs I visit.

Today..I just ask that you visit this site and/or the one I posted on Monday and share with me your favorite thing. Please also share any savings that you have experienced this week, tips , thoughts or prayer request. If there is an area that you need to save money that as well and I will be happy to list the information that I have in my files on that area.

New giveaways starting today. They will be posting on Thursday. The next drawing will be on April 15th...

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