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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life In The Fast Lane

We are home from Chicago on our week long very successful buisness trip. I can not believe how much our little back yard garden grew in the week we were gone.

I am busy writing the book, working on design team projects and have started the beginning work for the 16th annual Project Ed Bear Dinner/Auction that will be held in November.

How are you blooming? What are you working on right now? and before you sigh and say nothing..I am just a stay at home mom..let me remind you that there is no higher calling, no job more important. A bit of wisdom to share with you as a now grandmother. I drop everything for my grandchildren. I try to spend quality time with each of them each week. I didn't always do that as a mommy of four. I let everyday burdens and worries get in the way of living in the moment. I will never let that happen again.

Excited things coming up on Bloom Where You Are Planted..keep watching.

Check out my other blog and join us on a jounraling journey.

See you soon!

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